Why should you solve questions on a daily basis for competitive exams?
Benefit 1: Raises Your Confidence
Taking as many assessments as possible allows you to maintain your own question-solving skills. You will gain an overall understanding of the types of particular questions, the average time required to solve various types of questions, and further on, leaving you thoroughly prepared and ready for the final test.
You can also discover the positive and weak points when you answer more and more of the question papers. These particular tests will assist you with developing a good mentality and overcoming nervousness, resulting in a “Yes, I really can do it” sort of attitude. Reasoning Questions are always a good option.

Benefit 2: it familiarizes you with the real exam setting.
It is very important to familiarize yourself with the test atmosphere before taking the actual tests. Students become acquainted with the particular exam pattern and otherwise time period for attempting each and every question by completing question papers and perhaps mock exams. It offers students a taste of what happens once during a real lesson. Inequality Questions can help you a lot.
3rd benefit: Reduces the number of errors
Even when an applicant has a lot of experience and practice, he or she may not be able to get decent grades. This is because of the “silly mistakes” he makes in the test. He lacks some precious points, which hurts his ranking. Since now the multiple-choice questions are used in exams such as JEE, even minor errors such as lack of focus or incorrect final calculation may cause you to simply mark an incorrect answer. It would also waste the time. As a result, practicing even more questions will continue to keep you vigilant throughout the exam and perhaps help you prevent errors. Current Affairs Quiz Questions help you to stay updated.
4th benefit: Major revision
Whenever you answer questions about both subjects, you end up addressing almost all of the relevant areas of the course syllabus. Taking mock tests on a regular basis will help you improve your knowledge of nearly all subjects. Furthermore, by reviewing the data, you can determine which areas actually need more effort and which can be ignored. You can also give the English Language Quiz.
5th benefit: Time Management
Whenever it usually comes to competitive examinations, time is of the utmost importance. Attempting several questions in the allotted time is a difficult challenge. Owing to time limitations, many of the candidates are unable to answer certain questions or even complete some portions of the particular question paper. This issue is quickly overcome by answering more questions on a daily basis, which lets students develop their time-management skills. Training also aids in particularly improving the pace of hand calculations and otherwise devising shortcuts that can come in handy later. Quantitative Aptitude Questions are indeed very good.
By answering more questions and correcting mistakes on a daily basis, a candidate’s score rises with each test, as does his ranking among his peers. If you take this path, you will undoubtedly see an increase in your success graph, as well as an increase in your confidence.